Town of Springfield Ordinances
2025-001 Provisional Operator’s License Ordinance
2025-002 Provisional Retail License Ordinance
2024-001 Town of Springfield Cemetery Ordinance
Amended 2022-004 Ordinance Building Code (updated 2/13/23)
Amended 2018-1 Domestic Livestock Ordinance (updated 3/13/23)
2023-001 Ordinance Damage to Town Roads
Amended 2004-02 Citation Ordinance (updated 9/11/23)
2023-002 Resolution Oakwood Cemetery Transfer
2023-003 Resolution to Adopt Total Tax Levy
2023-004 Resolution Changing Number of Election Officials
2023-005 Ordinance Establishing Split Shifts for Election Officials
2022-001 Ordinance to Appoint Town Clerk to the Board of Review
2022-003 Ordinance Adoption of Wisconsin SPS 327, Camping Units
2022-004 Ordinance Building Code (updated 2007-01 Ordinance)
2022-005 Ordinance to Adopt the Wisconsin Municipal Records Schedule
2022-006 Resolution to Adopt the Town Tax Levy
2022-007 Resolution to Amend 2022 Budget
Resolution No. 2020-01 A Resolution Approving the Comprehensively Revised St. Croix County
Zoning Ordinance
Resolution #2020-02 Resolution Declaring the Town of Springfield St. Croix County, Wisconsin
In Opposition to The St. Croix County, Wisconsin Proposed Communicable Disease Ordinance