TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD Regular Monthly Meeting Monday, February 14, 2022 @ 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA Approve agenda Approve January minutes Financial Report Approve Bills to be Paid Discuss separate bank account for AARP Funds Discussion on AARP fund possible uses Review […]
Meeting Agendas
TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD Regular Monthly Meeting Monday, January 10, 2022 @ 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA 1. Approve agenda 2. Approve December minutes 3. Financial Report 4. Approve Bills to be Paid 5. Discuss Clerk PO Box/Township Hall Address 6. Discuss Installing Internet at […]
TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL MEETING Thursday, December 30, 2021, 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA 1. Call Special Meeting to order 2. Hire new Township Clerk-Treasurer 3. Discuss and set Clerk-Treasurers yearly salary 4. Adjourn Dean R. Fayerweather Chairman 12/28/21
TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL MEETING Monday, December 27, 2021 at 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA 1. Call Special Meeting to order 2. Go into Closed Session and conduct interviews for Clerk-Treasurers position 3. Discuss interviews and make a decision to hire or not hire […]
TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD SPECIAL MEETING Wednesday, December 22, 2021 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA 1. Review all applications for SPRINGFIELD Town Clerk/Treasurer 2. Set a date and time for Applicant interviews Dean R. Fayerweather Chairman 12/19/21
TOWN OF SPRINGFIELD REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING Monday, December 13, 2021 6:30 pm SPRINGFIELD TOWN HALL 856 310th Street, Glenwood City AGENDA 1. Approve agenda 2. Approve November minutes 3. Financial Report 4. Approve Bills to be Paid 5. Approve Budget 6. Approve Election Workers 7. Approve Donation to Oakwood Cemetery […]