Monday, February 8, 2021, Regular Meeting The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Chairman Dean Fayerweather at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Mark Erickson, Chairman Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors: Jim Mahoney and Barry Ketchum, and Cl/Tr Amber Rykal A motion was made by Barry & 2nd […]
The Waste and Recycling Center will be open on the third Wednesday again, starting March 17th. The third Wednesday of the month will continue thru the month of November. No Wednesdays during the months of December, January and February. Reminder: The recycling center will not be open on the 5th […]
Monday, January 11, 2021, Regular Meeting The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Chairman Dean Fayerweather at 6:37 p.m. PRESENT: Evie Pickerign, Jim Pickerign, Martha Erickson, Sheri Erickson, Aaron Mckeever, Mark Erickson, Chairman Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors Jim Mahoney & Barry Ketchum and Cl/Tr […]
Monday, January 11, 2021, Caucus Meeting The Caucus Meeting for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Chairman Dean Fayerweather at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Evie Pickerign, Jim Pickerign, Martha Erickson, Sheri Erickson, Aaron Mckeever, Mark Erickson, Chairman Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors Jim Mahoney & Barry Ketchum and Cl/Tr Amber […]
The Spring Primary Election is Tuesday, February 16th. Poll hours are from 7 am to 8 pm at the Springfield Town Hall.
Monday, December 14, 2020 – Regular Meeting The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Chairman Dean Fayerweather at 6:30pm. PRESENT: Steve Dougherty, Paul Berning, Warren Benson, Mark Erickson, Amber Rykal, Chairman Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors Jim Mahoney & Barry Ketchum and Cl/Tr Vicky Benson […]