2023 Town Caucus Results

Town of Springfield
2023 Town Caucus
Monday, January 9, 2023


The 2023 Town Caucus for the Town of Springfield was held Monday, January 9, 2023 at 6:35 pm.

Present were: Dean Fayerweather, Jim Mahoney, Barry Ketchum, Sheri Erickson, Mark Erickson, Jess Seim, Lee Seim, Tom Leque, Nick Mahoney, and Bryce Fayerweather.


Lee Seim nominated Dean Fayerweather as Caucus Chairman and Tom Leque seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Mark Erickson nominated Sheri Erickson as a teller and Jim Mahoney seconded. Motion carried. Jim Mahoney nominated Barry Ketchum as the second teller and Dean Fayerweather seconded. Motion carried.

Tom Leque made a motion to use the oral method of making nominations. Nick Mahoney seconded. Motion carried.

Sheri Erickson made a motion to break nominee ties by a second vote between tied nominees and by flipping a coin if still tied after the second vote. Dean Fayerweather seconded. Motion carried.


Dean Fayerweather opened the nominations for chair. Bryce Fayerweather nominated Dean Fayerweather and Mark Erickson seconded. Dean called for more nominations and hearing none, nominations for chair was closed.

Dean Fayerweather opened the nominations for supervisor. Lee Seim nominated Barry Ketchum and Jess Seim seconded. Dean called for more nominations. Tom Leque nominated James Mahoney and Bryce Fayerweather seconded. Dean called for more nominations and hearing none, nominations for supervisor was closed.


Caucus was adjourned at 6:42 pm.