January 2025 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 6, 2025
The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Dean Fayerweather at 6:38 p.m. PRESENT: Chair Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors: Barry Ketchum & James Mahoney, Clerk/Treasurer Sheri Erickson, Mark Erickson, Warren Benson, Vicky Benson, Jim Elsbury, Bill Reusch, Sue Reusch, Lucas Grant, Nick Mahoney, Ben Mikla, Erick Ohman, Dennis Ohman, Mike Goodwin, Ray Gessler, Susan Gessler, June Frye, Jeff Ekwall, Josh Wildenberg, Aaron Mckeever, Tom Leque, Ray Gessler and Monty Gravseth.
A motion was made by Barry & 2nd by Jim to approve the agenda. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Barry & 2nd by Jim to approve the December Regular Monthly minutes as presented. Motion carried.
The December financial report was presented. A motion was made by Dean & 2nd by Jim to approve the report as presented. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Jim & 2nd by Barry to approve the bills to be paid in January at a total of $12,727.88. Motion carried.
Clerk report:
Sheri asked for clarification on the Mobile Home Permit as it currently states mobile home and not manufactured home. Barry made a motion to add both mobile home and manufactured home to the permit. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Town Auditor Discussion:
Sheri presented quotes from other auditors. Barry made a motion to stay with our current auditor for the 2024 financial year. Dean seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Clerk-Treasurer Discussion:
The ad for the deputy clerk/treasurer was presented. Dean made a motion to accept the application ad notification for the paper. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Recycling/ Maintenance Report:
Nothing new
Chairman Report:
Housing Development:
Monty Gravseth presented the housing development plan and answered residents’ questions.
Residents expressed their concerns about the development.
Jim made a motion not to go any further on the development. Barry seconded the motion. Barry & Jim voted aye with Dean voting nay. Motion carried.
Public Input:
Comment on the stop sign at 280th St and DD.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:02 pm.