November 2024 Special Town Elector Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 11, 2024
Public Budget Meeting
The public budget meeting was called to order by Chairman Dean Fayerweather at 6:31 pm. The town budget was presented. Dean asked if there were any questions on the budget.
Special Town Elector Meeting
The Special Town Elector Meeting for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Dean Fayerweather at 6:37 p.m. PRESENT: Chair Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors: Barry Ketchum & James Mahoney, Clerk/Treasurer Sheri Erickson, Mark Erickson, Martha Erickson, Harmony Cole and non-residents Barbi Manter, Monty Gravseth and Todd Olin.
Resolution No 2024-02
The Resolution of Town Electors to Adopt Total Town Tax Levy was approved by 7 Ayes with 0 Nays.
Clerk/Treasurer Split
Discussion on why the board was exploring splitting the clerk/treasurer position. After further research since the meeting notice was posted, splitting the job would not be cost effective.
Dean made the motion to not split the clerk/treasurer position. Motion seconded by Jim.
Ayes 7 Nays 0. Motion carried.