2024-06 June Monthly Meeting Minutes

June 2024 Regular Board Meeting Minutes
Monday, June 10, 2024

 The REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING for the Town of Springfield was called to order by Dean Fayerweather at 6:30 p.m. PRESENT: Chair Dean Fayerweather, Supervisors: Barry Ketchum & James Mahoney, Clerk/Treasurer Sheri Erickson, and Mark Erickson.

A motion was made by Barry & 2nd by Jim to approve the agenda.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Barry & 2nd by Jim to approve the May Regular Monthly minutes as presented.  Motion carried.

The May financial report was presented.  A motion was made by Barry & 2nd by Jim to approve the report as presented.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dean & 2nd by Jim to approve the bills to be paid in June at a total of $65,653.74. Motion carried.

Clerk report:
Building Permits report provided.
Sheri said there is $500 in budget for clerk capital expense and mentioned getting portable or window A/C unit.
Barry made a motion to purchase a portable A/C unit not to exceed $500. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Liquor Licenses:
A motion was made by Dean & 2nd by Barry to approve the Class B Liquor and Beer License for Glen Hills Golf Club and Peg’s Pleasant View Inn.  Motion carried.

A motion was made by Dean & 2nd by Jim to approve the Operator Licenses for Jessica Cook, Jeffrey Klatt, Tara Kattre, Todd Huffman, Holland Klink, Todd Huffman, Holland Klink, Kellie Rademaker, Deborah Hoy, Adrian Hook, Jennifer Nickowski, Alexandra Peterson, and Chrissa Kersten. Kayla Bonte is also approved once the training certificate is received. Motion carried.

Road Construction Loan Discussion:
The current interest rate for road construction loan would be 6.21%. A loan of $165,000 would result in payments about the same as the current loan.

Blacktopping is scheduled around June 20. Payment to Monarch for blacktop for estimated $110,000 will need to be paid probably in July. The road grant will be refunded to us after the road project is completed and paperwork is sent into state so could take several months before we get it.

Sheri stated that it would be best to have the future road construction loan payments due after we receive our August tax settlement.

Dean made a motion to use funds in the money market account and grant account until is loan is taken out. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Cold Storage Building Discussion:
Sheri presented estimates from Menards and Lester’s.

Barry made a motion to start with a Lester shed and to get pricing on options. Jim seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Recycling/ Maintenance Report:

Mark stated that there wasn’t much new with the recycling.
He is putting new knives on the brush mower and will start mowing ditches.

Chairman Report:

Dean reported on an illegal burial issue.
He is still working on the court issue and getting the information needed for the court.

Public Input:

Meeting Adjourned.